Most people say breastfeeding will save you a lot of money. Not exactly true, since we need to buy quite a number of accessories to support us in our breastfeeding journey. I guess, only exclusive direct latch mummies (meaning no pumping) will save the most $$.
Throughout my breastfeeding journey, I've spent quite a bit on accessories to support my breastfeeding journey. Some hits, some miss. Here, I've compiled my top 6 best buys. I wanted to compile a top 10, but realized there ain't that many things to buy. If you are a new soon-to-be-mummy who wants to embark on the breastfeeding journey, below is a list of things that helped me. Hope they will help you too. :)
1. Spectra S9+
First on the list is of course, my breast pump. It has helped to relieve my engorgement, and has been my best and most important friend especially in the earlier days when Cleo wouldn't latch. Read more about
my review about it here. The S9+ has got into my best buys instead of my S1 because it is so compact and portable. I love it!
2. Simple Wishes Hands-Free Breastpump Bra
I remembered the very very first time I used my pump. It was my first day back at home, and I wanted to use the pump to see if it will help the milk to come (cos I read its all about demand and supply. the more you pump, the more supply you'll have). Well, I didn't research enough to know that breast pumping is very awkward. I've no idea why they invented it this way, but I honestly find the design very stupid and not user-friendly. Ok, you need to use some imagination here, but basically, with the default package, you need to hold the pump against your boobs for the whole duration that you're pumping. If you're pumping both side, it means you'll look like a weirdo holding too pumps/bottles in front of your boobs. Not only does it look weird, it's super troublesome as it means you have no hands for anything else. You can't read a book, eat, use your mobile, or even play with your baby! Thank god for the
Simple Wishes Hands-Free Breastpump Bra
. It's basically this tube-like garment, that have a zip at the front centre, as well as 2 holes on each side of the bra for you to attach your pump to. The back of the bra is velcro so you can adjust how loose or tight you want. After I googled and found this thing that can turn my pump into hands-free, I immediately sent my husband to Kiddy Palace to buy. This, to me, is a must buy. It should have come together as part of the whole breast pump package!
3. Medela Valves
If you're using a spectra, go change your valve into a medela one. you can
read more about my review here.
4. Fridge-to-go
Cooler Bag
If you're pumping, or always on the go, you'll probably need to have a cooler bag to bring your milk around. For me, I also need it to bring my pump parts around at work (since i didn't put it in the office fridge and I only wash my pump when I'm home). As the name goes, it is like carrying a fridge around, while on the go. It keeps the content inside really cold for a long while. I have the big victoria size, that allows me to put in my air tight container (which contains my pump parts), as well as milk bottles. I also have the smaller one that can fit like 2 milk bottles (or 4 can drinks), which I use when I don't need to bring my pump out. One thing to note though is it can get rather heavy due to the cooling panel, especially for the victoria size, which has lots of cooling panel. But then, ice packs itselves are usually quite heavy so I guess its ok.
5. Air-Tight Container
Before I switched to using an air-tight container, I was using zip-lock bag to keep my pump parts (especially while on the go). I really dislike the idea of changing a zip-lock-bag a day (so eco-unfriendly!), and doesn't like the idea of reusing it. Hence, I decide to get a air-tight container. I found mine in Japan Home for less than S$10, and fits my pump parts perfectly! These days, I don't wash my pumps after every session (takes too much time), so what I do is put them into the air-tight container and keep it in the fridge or (fridge to go if I'm out), and take it out to use again when it's time! I'll only wash it at the end of the day.
6. Breastmilk Storage Bag
If you've excess milk, or are planning to go back to work, or going away without your baby, you'll need to save milk for baby. I call this my emergency stash. I've used quite a variety of breastmilk storage bags. Lansinoh, HoneySuckle, Autumnz, cheap korean ones. Honestly, I think the cheap korean ones does a great job. I really dont see the need to spend so much on expensive storage bags. they all look and function the same to me. I know some mummies swears by the boots ones which are really cheap too. You can stock up on the boots storage bags if you are going to bangkok.
Ok, so here's my list of top 6 breastfeeding accessories. my best buys! hope they will be helpful in your research too, and all the best for your breastfeeding journey!
note: all products here are purchased with my own money. none are sponsored, though there may be affiliate links to help me earn some allowance. :)
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